Episode 42 – Focus on Your Core Strengths. Outsource the Rest. – with Barrett Ayers

This episode of Permission to Succeed (recorded on March 10, 2020) features Doug Heikkinen and Barrett Ayers, President of Adhesion Wealth, discussing how your P&L benefits when you build a deep understanding of your clients’ needs and goals, and how the current turmoil is actually an opportunity to pause and discuss strategies with your clients.

In this podcast, you will learn about:

  • The importance of focusing on your core strengths and outsourcing the rest of your tasks
  • Things you should consider when evaluating technology stacks for your firm, including putting everything out to RFP and hiring a consultant to make sure you get the solution you need
  • The value of saying no – a lot – so that you can say yes to things that are really important
  • Barrett’s life-long passion for fee-based independent advisors, and why he believes now may be the best time for fee-based advice in history

RESOURCES: Adhesion Wealth