Tag Archives: #CarlosLegaspy

Episode 69 – Caught on the Border of Fraud and Financial Success – With Carlos Legaspy

Carlos Legaspy is the Founder and CEO of InSight Securities, a full spectrum international brokerage and money management firm that has been providing investment services to high net worth individuals retirement, corporate and trust accounts since 1970. Legaspy is also an author of the book “Going for Broke,” a story from his own account of how one of Latin America’s largest financial frauds became a blessing in disguise.

In this podcast, Doug and Carlos discuss Legaspy’s journey through the financial industry as he navigated fraud claims, created his own firm, and found success at the end of it all.

They also discussed:

  • Carlos’ background growing up on the border of the US and Mexico
  • The barriers faced and lessons learned from his time on Wall Street
  • Why the business of investment services is like a game of chess
  • The journey of working to create one’s own firm
  • The Latin American markets, and the opportunities in that region
  • The story of the ponzi scheme Carlos found himself directly in the middle of
  • The ramifications of this journey to Carlos and InSight Securities

Resources: InSight Securities