Episode 62 – The CMO Series – Drivers of Revenue: AJ Boury

AJ Boury is the Chief Marketing Officer at TIFIN, a financial service creating engaging wealth experiences to improve financial lives through AI and investment intelligence driven personalization for the advisor and self-directed investor, recognizing the uniqueness of each investor.

In this episode, AJ joined Doug to talk about what it means to be a CMO in the modern world of integration and startups. They also discussed:

  • How AJ set his sights on being a CMO and gained his valuable skillset
  • What the marketing departments were like at his previous companies
  • The transition from working at large businesses to joining a startup
  • How to manage the pie of the digital world, competition, and growth after COVID
  • How to effectively mesh sales and marketing
  • And the lightning round: Does marketing need to be expensive? What makes marketing powerful? Where can we find great marketing outside of his industry? What makes his marketing unique? Is “The CMO Series – Drivers of Revenue” an appropriate title?

Resources: TIFIN